C 2009/52
Construction of Five (5) New Schools around Doha and in Villages (Package 1)

The project includes the construction of Five Schools in three locations (Two schools in Duhail, Two schools in Umm Salal and One school in Sailiya). Each school consists of a School Building, Laboratory Halls including Lab Furniture Assembly Hall, Auditorium, Guard Room, Multipurpose Sport Hall, Sports Courts (including sports floors & equipment), Shaded Structures, Boundary Wall, Welded Steel Fences, Asphalt Paved Roads and Parking Areas and Interlock Tile Paved Walkways and Pavements. Part of the project was the demolition and removal of existing school structure in those locations and extensive grading and leveling of the sites which involved major excavation of reduction of levels.
Start Date
September 27, 2009
Completion Date
March 30, 2011
Project Duration
550 Days
Project Location
Project Value
QR. 226,617,389
Public Works Authority – Building Affairs
Scope of Work
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